SOUND OF MADNESS INTERVIEW: One of my favorite interviews was with #SoundOfMadness! Thanks for giving me the chance to share my story, and  and the comparison to some of my favorite artists, #ShawnMendes and #CharliePuth. :)

12. 08. 17

One of my favorite interviews was with #SoundOfMadness! Thanks for giving me the chance to share my story, and  and the comparison to some of my favorite artists, #ShawnMendes and #CharliePuth. 🙂

Interview: James Barre

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10. 09. 17

FRESNO BEE ARTICLE: The #fresnobee was super cool to do a second article on me this week with #thebigfresnofair being in town!  I had an amazing time hanging out with all the gang at #ksee24 and playing live on the news!  What a day!

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01. 20. 18

PENSEYEVIEW INTERVIEW: Ayeee!!! #penseyeview you rock! Thank you so much for the kind words! I am super excited to speak with you guys again soon! #donteverchange